DC Pay application has been developed with the intention of bringing the masses to Blockchain technology by putting people in charge of their own finances and providing a simple solution for businesses to deliver a better customer solution. Australia has approximately 2.1 million small businesses that contribute 32% of Australia's GDP or 418 Billion of value to the economy.

The functionality of this application is summarised below;

  • Users will be able to buy, sell and transfer a Digital Currency

  • Merchants will be able to provide facilities to enable them to accept payment of a Digital Currency and provide a better customer experience

  • The use of QR codes to enable fast simple transactions in native Stable digital token and repayment in native DC Pay token

Future functionality of the application will be;

  • A business will be able to use push notifications to offer special deals with DC Pay

  • Rewards system where Users will move up levels and achieve better 'special offers' from merchants the more they use the app.

Last updated